Business and Life Coaching

Is this you?

“I feel like I should be making more money given how long I’ve been in this business and how much time I work.”

“Other people – employees, clients, family, always seem to be the source of stress for me. I need a better way to deal with them.”

“I need to offload work so I can focus on important stuff, and the things I enjoy more.”

“Running my business can be really stressful. It energizes me, but also wears me down.”

“I’ve made some improvements, but I’m basically the same person I was five years ago, probably 10 years ago, with the same issues. I want to change.”

“I like what I do, but I wish I could be more fulfilled day to day. There must be more to work that I am missing.”

Feeling stuck in life or business? Coaching may be for you.

My clients include executives, business owners, entrepreneurs, managers and other professionals who want to create lasting changes in the way they work and live.

I help them break through limited thinking they may not even be aware of,  and reverse unhealthy patterns that are holding them back.

Typical results from coaching are:

  • Increased income
  • Reduced stress
  • Improved relationships with family and coworkers
  • Better balance between work and home
  • Feeling happier and more positive about life

The Loening Plan is a holistic approach to positive change. We address challenges as they come up during our work together, and give the needed tools and awareness so that you can make the important changes on your own long after the coaching ends.

These are assets you will have with you for the rest of your life.


How it works:

I work on and hourly retainer.  You pay me up front for coaching, and then we renew as needed. This offers a lot of flexibility.   It allows for intensive coaching when a hot issue comes up, and less time when nothing is pressing.

After the first couple of weeks of working together, we evaluate if the relationship is productive; it is usually very clear to both parties early on.

You can get a refund of unused retainer at any time. I am accessible during normal business hours and many times I am available off-hours for pressing matters.

Coaching is done on the phone or in my Sharon, Connecticut office. Sometimes I make site visits to a client’s workplace.

Many of my clients look to me as they would a business partner; they rely on me to help with many levels of decisions and strategies.  I will also work with employees when appropriate.

Typical areas coaching covers:

  • Tracking the effect the coaching has on your income and net worth
  • Creating clarity around what your business will look like in the future
  • Business relationships: seeing where can they be improved, client satisfaction
  • Original ideas in terms of how your business operates
  • Attitude towards work: a shift in attitude can change your work experience
  • Rewriting your own job description
  • Reviewing, rewriting sensitive correspondence
  • Reviewing, rewriting contracts and proposals
  • Creating strategy for improving employee and customer happiness
  • Preparation for meetings, which may include dry-run role-playing

There are endless possibilities and opportunities when it comes to personal growth, and the greatest investment you will ever make is in yourself.